Building for Your Best Audience Using Google Cloud Platform

November 21, 2019

Meet Bob.

Bob is one of your regular customers. He’s a frequent, high-value converter and extremely loyal to your brand. In short, Bob is the best. You want more Bobs.

How do you win business from more customers with Bob’s loyalty and buying tendencies? For a start, you need to know things like:

Where did Bob come from? What media channels initially brought Bob to your website? What media channels continue to bring Bob back?With this information, you can allocate more budget to the media channels most efficiently, driving high-value customers to your site.

How does Bob interact with your brand? What pages does he frequent on your website, what videos does he watch, what posts does he read? This helps you identify the content on your site that creates and retains loyal, high-value customers.

What’s unique about Bob? We know he’s the best, but what specific characteristics does Bob share with your other top customers? Honing in your advertising on audiences with similar traits can help you drive more top customers to your company.

The powerful combination of Google Cloud Platform with Campaign Manager and Google Analytics 360 allows you to tackle these complex questions.

What media channels drive valuable customers to your brand?

The free version of Google Analytics offers attribution models that provide useful insight into which channels drive conversions. However, since data in Google Analytics 360 is anonymized, you must go one step further to identify the channels that attract your best customers.

With Google Analytics 360, you can easily export all your website traffic and attribution data to Google Cloud. Bring in customer data from your CRM, match it to your Google Analytics 360 data and Campaign Manager data with a key-value pair (like a transaction ID), and voila! Now you can find Bob and more of your most valuable customers in your CRM, use your linked Google Analytics 360 and Campaign Manager data to see what channels and ads they were exposed to, and assign credit with attribution modeling.

You’ve now proved that those channels bring in your most loyal customers, and you can use that information to allocate more budget to them!

How are your best customers interacting with your website?

Now that you have your Google Analytics 360 and CRM data centralized in Google Cloud Platform, answering questions about your data is a piece of cake! Google Analytics 360 tracks the website behavior of all your visitors, and you have already identified which of these visitors are the most important.

Do many of your best customers visit certain pages or watch specific videos? Consider changing your website flow to drive more users to these pages, or model other parts of your website after these high performing pages.

Are some of your pages, videos, and content rarely viewed by your best customers? Consider reworking these pages to increase their effectiveness.

For example, if high-value customers watch one of your product demo videos before a big purchase, that specific video is likely contributing to increased brand loyalty and higher conversion rates. 

However, if very few of those customers go on to become repeat customers, your video is not engaging your audience or driving conversions. Discovering this allows you to rework your content to better connect with your target audience.

Use this information to optimize your website, increase brand loyalty, and turn more of your visitors into Bobs.

What do your valuable customers have in common?

The best way to segment your audience (group your customers into segments based on shared traits and behaviors) is with Machine Learning (ML).

Running complex ML models on massive datasets requires a lot of computational power. Historically, the most significant barrier to this kind of analysis was the cost and difficulty of building the in-house infrastructure to support it.

But wait! Your data is already centralized in Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Platform can manage the framework for you and let your data science team (or ours!) spend more time building models and less time wrestling with infrastructure.

Find out what traits your most valuable customers share, and target look-a-like audiences to build up an extremely loyal customer base.

Ready to take your ads, and your business, to the next level? Get in touch with the DELVE team today.