Web Marketing Analytics Series: Introduction

July 1, 2020

We’ve come a long and exciting way from installing our first web marketing analytics tracker a decade ago, to developing complex enterprise data implementations for multi-billion dollar brands in 2020. As with pretty much anything in life, we’ve seen ups and downs, stumbled at many turns, and inquired invaluable expertise as we garnered people, knowledge, and great partners around our passion. All mistakes we made and the achievements we earned laid the foundation of our ’collective wisdom’ around web marketing analytics services. 

Now that the new decade revealed it’s tough challenges around the globe, we decided to recenter and pause for a moment to share our thoughts, expertise, and tips with those who stay curious and eager to learn more about the world of digital marketing and analytics. So, having said that, what better place than here, and what better time than now? 

Web Marketing and Analytics

Our team of web and marketing analytics experts banded together to deliver a new series of marketing and analytics articles and spotlights to share the frontline knowledge and encourage digital professionals to onboard new technology and get inspired to nurture data culture in their company. 

In this series, we’ll be talking to digital marketing managers, data and web analytics professionals, analytics consultants, and business intelligence practice leaders about the tools, pitfalls, best practicesfeatures, and integrations in web and mobile marketing analytics that drive business results. 

We’re not trying to find a silver bullet that will fit all needs like a swiss army knife, but rather share our personal opinions on topics essential for an enduring, stable, and future-proofed web and app analytics practice. Every use case is always different, and there is no magical out-of-the-box solution that works at the flip of a switch while delivering unconventional results. But some custom tactics and strategies will help you get there. 

In our compulsive drive to stay curious, we outlined nearly 50 topics in mobile and web marketing analytics that will form this new series of articles from the DELVE team.

What’s In The Box? Web Analytics Examples

Listed below are the topics and web analytics examples we’d like to share with you in the second half of the year. I hope you will find these articles simple, relevant, and encouraging so that you delve deeper and start building trust in your marketing and analytics data measurement program. 

Path 1 – General Marketing and Analytics

Path 2 –  Google Web Analytics

Path 3 –  Google Mobile Marketing and Analytics

Our Authors 

Andy Semenihin, Head of Analytics, established the Data Collection practice at DELVE while building a team of professionals in mobile and web marketing analytics that services our Analytics, Tag Manager, Firebase, and Optimize clients. Also a musician and a big Pink Floyd fan.

Anton Dolgiy, Manager of Analytics, is an enthusiast of Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and data analysis. He loves web marketing analytics measurement, outdoor sports, and traveling. Anton spent half a year in South East Asia to broaden horizons and gain inspiration for work and life.

Artem Izvekov, Web Analyst and senior mobile expert, has a background in different Google web analytics measurement and implementation systems such as Google Analytics, Google Analytics 360, Google Tag Manager, Google Optimize, and Google Firebase. He also has experience in the non-GMP stacks, such as Amplitude and AppsFlyer.

Dmitry Zelenko, Web Analytics Team Lead, has over 10 years of experience in IT and web analytics. He’s a complete ‘techie’ person who loves his job, new experiences, and leads web marketing analytics implementation projects at DELVE.

What’s Next? 

Without further ado, let’s jump right into the content! Stay tuned for our first blog post about Google Analytics 360 as a required step towards enterprise-level analytics very soon. 

Thank you!

Andy Semenihin | Head of Analytics @ DELVE

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